Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Some New Pics of Caleb

This morning I received some new pictures of Caleb from a family that just returned from Ethiopia! He melts our hearts more and more each day! We are so thankful that it won't be too much longer before we will be holding him in our arms!




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E said...

Oh! He's just so cute and sweet!!! He's all warm, melty chocolate...yummy. Why isn't I can't escape the chocolate references? I just want to gobble my kids up...Where the Wild Things Are resonates strongly with me. ;)

So happy you guys received these new pictures! Now all you have to do is get all packed and planned and prepared and go get him! Wish it were as easy as that one sentence makes it sound. :)

Much love,

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness!!! He is just toooo cute! You guys are going to have so much fun with him!!! :)
Love to you,

Karen said...

he's so adorable! precious! we're very happy for you guys! what a Merry Christmas!!