Monday, June 22, 2009

Caleb's Baby Dedication & Father's Day....

Always the joker.....

Life father, like son....waiting for lunch :)

Baby Dedication

So I really wanted to add a video of Caleb's baby dedication, and finally after two days it uploaded- it's not that long, I promise! But, you will have to follow this link to see it:
In the video, you will see that Caleb wasn't too interested in being dedicated at the time :) After we watched the video we realized he didn't behave as badly as we thought he did at the time, but, hey, when you are standing in front of the whole church, everything seems more intense, right? :) Anyway, we really appreciate what our pastor said, even though at the time we really weren't able to pay that close of attention or able to take the parent vows- we were a little distracted :)
Father's Day was great- I am blessed to have a wonderful dad (I got teary eyed just picking out his card- I love my dad, bigtime), Zack is a wondeful father, and an amazing husband. I love watching him with Caleb. Thank you Lord, for strong fathers, and most all of you for the love you show us as our Heavenly Father.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Missing in Action No More!

Almost two weeks with no blog post! We are missing in action no longer! Besides the normal business of life, our computer has not been cooperating, so those factors have led to the blog being neglected.
During the past two weeks we had two pretty big events take place- Caleb's 18 month check up and our 6 month post placement visit....yes, 6 months- wow! His checkup went great- healthy as a horse and right on track developmentally. We are very thankful. Someone has been growing as well- Caleb has grown 5 inches since he has been home! We knew those legs looked long :) Our post placement visit also went well. Our social worker offered some great advice and suggested some books to continue to help us move in the right direction with attachment. Because Caleb has such a happy and joyous spirit, is right in the middle of being a toddler, is cutting his 2 year molars and still getting used to his new home, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between what is normal 18 month old behavior and what is related to adoption/attachment. We are looking forward to reading the book she suggested, "Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft".
Here is a look at the last two weeks....Enjoy! We sure have :) Have you ever seen anyone look cuter in a cap?
Swimming take #2.....much more successful, as you can see :) He loves the water and is quite a daredevil for an 18 month old.....

Transporting his new pool....He likes it :) Thanks Granna and Papaw!
On the mower with grandma....
Driving the boat with pap....

One cool's bling and all :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Caleb is 18 Months!!!

I think this picture sums up Caleb- HAPPY! He just learned to say "happy" yesterday-
how fitting :)

He LOVES Mr. Lion!

Teeth are coming in all over the place!

Can Caleb really be 18 months old today!??!!! It seems like only yesterday we were staring at the computer screen, meeting our son for the very first time, a very tiny 7 month old baby! (next month will be the one year anniversary of that!!!) Wow. He seems so big now and he is becoming so "grown up" with each day, it seems. I said to Zack yesterday, "He is not a baby anymore". I have mixed emotions about that :) I am so pround and grateful for all the milestones, but also a tad bit sad at how fast they are all coming and going. I am realizing that what everyone has told me must be true- before I know it, he will be graduating. Okay, I have to go cry now :)