Our little guy sure is a trooper. Wednesday he had his visit with Dr. Taylor at the International Adoption Clinic at U.K. First of all, she had her staff rock! They were so great with Caleb. He was evaluated by Dr. Taylor, an occupational therapist, and also had lots of labwork ran. He did great, though he didn't like being stuck with a needle, but who does?
Yesterday we got a call in the morning that they found a parasite in Caleb's poopy:(
Dr. Taylor said this was not uncommon for children from third world countries, so it is ten more days of medicine for our guy. Later in the day we took Caleb to have his TB skin test read. I had seen his arm earlier in the day and was concerned as their was a raised red area. I was pretty sure this was not good! We took him to our pediatrician, and yep, it was positive. So, we had to make a trip to the hospital for chest x-rays. We will hear about those on Monday, but the poor guys has to take meds for at least 6 months!!! As long as the xrays come back okay, he is just a carrier of TB, which isn't too big of a deal.
Despite all this, he is doing remarkably well and has even began to forgo his bottle when he wakes during the night. We have started somewhat of a new sleep time technique as well, and that is going pretty good. He has been going to sleep early and waking late, which is good for mom and dad and baby.
I truly believe that with each day we all are bonding and thriving more and more. Glory to God for this, as it is only by his mercy and grace that we have made it to this point. Just as he was faithful to us through the paperwork process and the waiting portion of our adoption, so his faithfulness extends to us as we are learning how to be parents. And it has definitely been a learning experience :)
Praise God! We are praying you all continue to heal and bond and gain strength as a new family.
The Kulps
Hey...he's Mr. Happy!!!!! He's taking this all in stride!! Soooo proud of him! Praying he feels better soon. We *heart* Caleb:)))
Awww...what a cutie! You're all doing so great, so it's no surprise that Caleb is a trooper! Praying the process with the meds isn't too bad...that's a bummer, but I'm thankful to read all else is going so well!!!
Blessings to you guys!!!
Oh, I love to see Caleb! I praise God that he is receiving such wonderful care & unconditional love!!!!
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