Our local paper was kind enough to do a follow up story on our adoption this week. They did a story on Zack and I last November, and we were more than happy for them to finish the story by introducing our son to our community. We pray that maybe another family would be encouraged to adopt by our story.
In other news....Caleb's chest xrays came back negative, praise the Lord. He is almost finished with his parasite meds, so he will start the TB meds soon. We are feeling more rested with each day, and we are sleeping very well. We are discovering he is a little more of a picky eater than we thought :) He has learned to give what he doesn't like to the dog..oh no! There goes Pooh's special diet....Oh, and today, he said, "dog". I think Pooh has a new best friend :)
ps- you might have to click on the story to make it big enough to read
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