Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We'll Be Spending Thanksgiving in Ethiopia!!

Well, looks like we will be celebrating Thanksgiving Ethiopia style! That's right, our tentative travel dates are November 21-28!! I have to admit, I was a bit shocked by the actual dates, as there is quite a gap between the previous travel group and ours (the other group will leave November 1st), but we are very excited to know when we most likely will travel, and to know that Caleb will be with us by Thanksgiving!

Of course, there is always the chance that we will not pass court. We really believe this will not happen, as Caleb was abandoned, as compared to being relinquished, so the paperwork is simplified. Also, our agency has worked very hard in making sure that all the documents needed will be in place. I shudder to think about what will happen if we don't pass, as I don't see anyway possible of bringing Caleb home before Christmas if that were to happen. So, please be praying!

Given our travel dates, we estimate that our court date should be the first week In November, as in the week of November 3-7. It could be earlier, however, we just don't know. But, the first week in November is our best guess.

Thanks for all the prayers, and keep them coming!


Duda family said...

Hey guys, congratulations on your upcoming trip. Praise Jesus for you going to pick up your little one over Thanksgiving. Our family will keep you in prayers,

your brother and sister in Christ, and in Milwaukee

Dave and Amanda Duda

Kate said...

Congratulations! I've just recently found your blog and I can't wait to follow your journey to your son!

We've just begun our adoption process to our ethiopian princess!

Anna said...

Yeah! We got them today!!! What a wonderful surprise it was to see the email...I was thinking maybe Friday! :-)
We will be praying with you for successful court dates for all of us!!! I understand your "shudder" to think of not passing court. I have had the same thoughts. We are praying, praying, praying!!!
So excited for you to get your little guy and celebrate a beautiful THANKSGIVING together!
love lots, Anna

Melodie Monberg said...

First, Congratulations!

Second, You have been tagged! Please don't feel obligated! :)
Go to my blog to see the instructions..

Darcy said...

We are so excited for you and can not wait to meet him! A Thanksgiving you all will never forget!


Travis and Lindsey's Ethiopia Adoption said...

How Exciting!!!! We are so excited for you and cannot wait to see your pictures when you pass court!! We are praying for you.