Thursday, July 15, 2010


Praise God! We received word today that we will indeed be traveling to Ethiopia before the court closure! We were told that our first court date (the date we do not have to be present) is July 21st, and the second date will be August 5th (we will be present at this court date)!!! One day before the courts close!!! Only God!!! We had really been praying for the strength to trust him no matter what, I can honestly say that though we preferred to travel sooner, we were at peace with having to wait, as we know God knows what is best for our family!

As I received this news and it finally began to sink in that we had made it, the overwhelming feeling I experienced was just the love of God. I felt so loved by God. It is so hard to believe just how much God loves me and you! Don't get me wrong, I know it wouldn't have meant that he loved me or Zack, or Noah less if we had not made it before the courts close, it's just at times He gives us little tangible glimpses, and seems to do things, just for us. Oh, how he loves us!

We are busy trying to get our flights booked and make arrangements for our accommodations, but right now it looks as though we will be leaving for Ethiopia August 1, and returning on August 8.

I can't believe we will be meeting our son in 2 weeks!!!!


Lib said...

Oh my gosh - I literally have goose chills! God is so good to us and you have been so faithful in this journey. So when do you go get your NEWEST FAMILY MEMBER??? How exciting!

Lib said...

Oh, I just saw that you are going the 1st week of August - wow! That is just AMAZING!!

Grateful Mom said...

I am SO VERY happy for you!!! Congratulations! Wow...two weeks is going to go either really slow as you anticipate meeting him...or really FAST because I'm sure there is so much to do!

Sara Weber said...

My friend sent your blog to me. She's been a reader for a while, and we have the same court date! We are adopting an almost one year old girl. We are with Dove. Who is your agency?
You can email me at and my blog is

Julie said...

Congratulations on your court date! I just stumbled on your blog today. . . we will also be in Ethiopia for an Aug. 3 court date, so we understand the excitement at getting in before courts close! Yeah! (We are with another adoption agency--CWA, so we probably won't cross paths, but it is fun to touch base with others who are in the same process!)

Andrea Hill said...

Hi Rebecca. Congratulations on your court date. Duhh, I just asked in my email about who you are adopting and its right there in your signature line. Sorry. Glad to have found your blog.

Debb said...

AWESOME story! GO GOD!!! So happy for you to meet your son! :o)