Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Road Block :(

Well, this morning I found out we have a minor road block with the adoption process. We have been waiting for our homestudy to come in the mail any day, so that we may send it to USCIS for their approval. Today our social worker Mandy sent us the following email:

Hey Rebecca,
I got your email and voice mail. I have been traveling a great deal for work so I apologize that I am just getting back to you. I have everything that I need from you and I have everything completed on my end. Your home study fell right at the time when we are going through our annual licensing review by the Division of Regulated Childcare. Unfortunately, the state is behind in doing their site visits. They came several weeks after our license expired. While we still meet all of the requirements set forth by the state of Kentucky, they have been slow in getting our new license to us. I continue to call each week, informing them of the urgency. With Ethiopian HS our license must be attached to the HS when it is submitted, therefore I can not proceed until it arrives. Because it is the state and they are not bound by your timeframe, or mine for that matter....there is nothing I can do at this point. I know other AW states have experienced similar circumstances that are equally frustrating. I have everything printed off with envelopes prepared...just waiting for it to arrive.
I will let you know when I am able to put your HS in the mail.
Let me know if you have any questions.

I emailed her back, thanking her for all her hard work, and I also asked about a timeframe for receiving the license. She said most likely another two weeks.

Of course, we were very disappointed to hear this news, and I was especially frustrated, as this is something completely beyond my control, and there are just so many different hands in this whole process!!( I am somewhat of a control freak :) However, before even opening the email this morning, I just asked the Lord to be with me as I read the email and to help me take the news, whatever it may be, in stride, and with peace. So, we are continuing to trust in his timing, even when we don't understand it. Who knows, the license could come tomorrow :) We have definitely seen some awesome miracles happen in our America World Yahoo Group ( an online group of America World adoptive parents), but right now it just seems like many of us are going through "adoption trials". Please keep us in prayer!

"My hope comes from Him....I will not be shaken".
Psalm 62:5-6


Carpenters said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about this road block. I'm a bit of a control freak myself and there are so many steps that are out of our control. I think this is God's way of showing me how to trust in Him. You are in our prayers. We will definitely be praying that the license comes soon.

With love,

the Steiger's said...

I am so sorry as well. This must be hard for you. We hit a road blog with the dr. paperwork and I remember being so frustrated that I couldn’t do anything about it. But it did come together and we did finish the paper part. I will be praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I was very sorry to hear about your set back in the adoption process. Adoption is a long and drawn out process. I know it seems like it will never happen but it will. Making sure the adoption is done correctly is very important. I have been following your journey with great intrest since I discovered your web page. I have waited for 25 years to be able to finally see the good come out of my situation. You and Zach will make wonderful parents, and I can not tell you how awesome it is that you have decided to help a child from africa. In the end this short delay will work out and your new son will be home before you know it.

We will be praying for you.