Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wow- in only a few day Noah will have been home ONE MONTH! We can not begin to tell you the difference we see in him, and in us, each day! He is beginning to speak more English words such as water, juice, chicken, ketchup, ice cream, bath, and just today he started saying, "this, this?" I had to laugh as I know he has heard us say that a million times, trying to figure out what he wants :) He seems to be feeling more and more comfortable with our family, and vice versa. We are also beginning to see more of his true personality. He is so silly and can have the funniest expressions sometimes!

Noah is still very reserved around new people and is obviously uncomfortable in new situations. But, that is also improving. He is now at least waving hello and goodbye, and sometimes even says the words.

One thing that seems to be apparent- the "honeymoon" phase between Noah and Caleb is over :) They are full fledged brothers now and fight like they have been together their entire lives! They also have a great time playing together, but anyone with two boys understands what I mean :)

I really can't put into words what the last month has been like: challenging, exhausting, rewarding, overwhelming, amazing, fun. Yes, that seems to describe it. There is no doubt about it- adopting an older child is most definitely challenging, but it is also very rewarding.
We are really looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year. Caleb and Noah were both in the children's Christmas play last Sunday. They were wise men. They did great! I think Caleb is now at an age where he can begin to understand what Christmas is all about. We are not sure what "firsts" Noah may experience this Christmas, but we are just thankful he will be experiencing them with us!

Noah's ultrasound came back normal, and this week he has a very important appointment with the infectious disease doctor at UK. We should know so much more after this appointment.

Well, that's all for now. Praying you all have a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Bettina said...

I'm so glad how far you have been come and that I know you guys. Your are so inspiring to me.See you on Friday in Church.
