Saturday, June 5, 2010


WHAT??? A referral already??? No kidding!!! This past Friday afternoon we contacted our agency and told them that we would like to officially accept a child that we saw on our agency's waiting child list! We have been reviewing his file for almost two weeks, and we finally totally surrendered ourselves to whatever God would have for us this time around..... and this precious child is it!! Originally we were thinking we would keep Caleb as the oldest child, and adopt a child a year or so younger than him. But God began to open our hearts to children who were already waiting for a family and he gave us the faith to trust him each step of the way.

This cute little guy is approximately 3 years old, though we believe he is probably closer to 4. He has a brilliant smile and beautiful eyes. He is HIV positive, though he is very healthy at this this time, and does not even need to be on medication for now! He lives at the same orphanage that Caleb first lived at. Pretty cool, huh! The staff there said he loves to play with his friends, draw and color, listen to children songs, swing high, and watch cartoons (I can already picture him with Caleb watching their movies....I can't wait!). They also said he is shy until he gets to know you, but once he feels comfortable, he begins to talk and smile.

Friday morning we were showing his pictures to Caleb again, and Caleb said, "He needs a mommy". I sat there amazed and thanked God that because of the miracle of adoption, he soon would have a mommy....and a daddy, and a brother, and wonderful grandparents! It brings tears to my eyes to think that because he is older he can actually understand what it will mean for him to have a family! I just wonder how he will feel when someone from the orphanage will tell him, "You have a family now!" I would love to be there for that!

Speaking of that, our adoption agency has been very upfront with us and has told us there is only a slim chance that we could hope to have a court date scheduled before the courts close in late August. But, we serve a mighty God who can make anything happen, and so one of our biggest prayer requests at this time is that our paperwork will make it to Ethiopia asap and that we will have a court date scheduled in time! If not, we know what it is like to wait until October, so I know we will make it, but for our son, we hope he doesn't have to wait any longer!

We have decided to name him Noah N**** Caldwell. Because he is older, if he prefers to go by his Ethiopian name, which we would like to use as his middle name, that is fine too. It is a very nice name and means King or Emperor. I can't really reveal his middle name yet because he isn't legally our child, but I guess you could google what word in Amharic would mean king or emperor and find it pretty easy :)

That is really all I can say for now. He is supposed to have a medical update next week, so we are praying that will go well. For now, we are just keeping him constantly in our thoughts and prayers, and would love for you to offer up a prayer for him as well! More to come soon......


natali said...

woohooOOO!! praying for you guys :D

Cindy said...

Amazing News!! Congratulations!

Hollands said...

Congratulations! Praying everything falls into place and your court date comes soon!

Erica said...

How wonderful! Congratulations! I'll be praying about a quick court date before the shutdown. We were caught in the shutdown last year and while I dreaded the wait, it passed relatively quickly. I'm just so excited for your family!

Carpenters said...

Congratulations! So happy for your family. Can't wait to see Noah.

Ryan and Ashlie said...

WONDERFUL NEWS CALDWELL FAMILY!!!! Congratulations!!! I pray that God moves mountains and you find a court date before August!!!!!
=) Ashlie

Charity Hildebrand said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Hoping for a speedy court date for you guys :)

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

YAY!!!!!! Praise God for how he brings families together!!!! So excited for you guys!!!

Lib said...

Wow! Sometimes God moves so quickly it makes your head spin, huh? I am just grinning ear to ear with your wonderful news! I am going to pray hard for that court date! I know that God will give you the patience to wait until October but I am praying for you and your boys that you won't need it!

Ray and Lisa said...

Wow! Congratulations!!

Gran said...
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Gran said...

So excited for you all! What a blessing for you and your family to get this older child.... you will see this wonderful plan unfold and be amazed.

Anna said...

Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you and for him - what a gift from the Lord!

Roscoe and Julia Richardson said...

Excited for you Caldwells!!

Sha Zam- said...


Debb said...

WOW! GOD IS SSOOOO GOOD!!!! :o) Congratulations on God's gift of Noah to you! Excited to continue to watch as you hear of your travel date! Praying it comes SOON!!!!! Blessings to you and yours.....such sweet boys you have!!!!