Saturday, May 1, 2010

Destination: UGANDA!!!

Thursday evening we received a call from Nightlight Christian Adoptions, the agency offering the Uganda pilot program. We were told we were accepted into the Uganda program! Praise the Lord! This is a huge blessing and opportunity for our family! It has taken a little longer than we thought, but we finally have a clear path to pursue for our second adoption, and we are so excited. So, here are some details about the program:

-The program is through Nightlight Christian Adoption, a really wonderful agency.

-Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa- It comes sooo close to bordering Ethiopia....but not quite as you can see from the map below :)

-Over half of the population of the country lives on less than a dollar a day

-This is a pilot program.....which means expect anything! However, the timetable appears to be such that we will wait between 3-6 months for a referral after our dossier is received in Uganda. This could be much sooner, however, as we are open to a child of either gender under 2 with HIV. We also indicated that we are open to a sibling group of 2 children with HIV, under the age of 3 :)

-Most likely, we will travel within 1-2 months of receiving our referral, but this could take up to 6 months....again, it is a pilot program.

-We will stay in the capital of Uganda, Kampala, for at least 3 weeks, though this could be a bit longer too. However, one parent may come home after a few days.

So, where are we in the process? Well, our home study is complete, and we should be receiving it in a week or so. At that point, we will apply to USCIS and wait for their approval, which is reportedly taking around 90 days. During that time, we will assemble our dossier, and as soon as our USCIS approval comes, ship all our paperwork to Uganda!

We are very thankful and humbled for this opportunity. To God be the Glory!


The Andersons said...

Congratulations! Nightlight in Greenville. SC is our homestudy agency and we love them! All the best - our prayers are with you.

Carpenters said...

What exciting news and a great opportunity! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

What a blessing! Best wishes on your journey!!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

YAY! I'm so excited you all get to be a part of such an incredible opportunity!!! I will keep following your journey for sure!!! :)

natali said...


Sharon @ Texas to Ethiopia said...

That all sounds so exciting! Congratulations!!!

Bird's Words said...

oH my goodness! I LOVE Uganda! Such beautiful and precious people! We were there several years ago adn visited the Amani Baby Cottage.. GORGEOUS children! I'll be praying ofr you as you wait.