Thursday, February 4, 2010

This is Our Prayer....

About a week ago we had one of the biggest snows we have had in several years! The snow was beautiful. Caleb loved sleigh riding. But it was so cold that the poor little guy was freezing in no time...his long eyelashes were iced over :) It was fun while it lasted!
As we continue to gather the needed paperwork for our adoption, the questions and anxieties of pursuing a child with HIV come and go. At the same time, the Lord continues to remind us of just how much he loves us and that he only wants good for us. His love is amazing! He continues to remind us of his faithfulness and of the fact that we are more than conquerors through Him! He continues to challenge us to live out our faith in a real way and leave the rest to Him.

This song beautifully describes what our prayer to the Lord is at this time- heal my heart and make it up my eyes to the things me how to love like you have loved me.....break my heart for what breaks yours......everything I am for your Kingdom's cause....Hosanna!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am Kelly Baker's niece, and I was just given your blog address from my cousin Tracey. Kelly had told us about your adoption, but it is great to see pictures of your sweet family.

We are in the pricess of adopting from China, and are strongly considering an Ethiopian adoption as well.

We'll add your blog to our Bloglines, and will be following your journey!

Take care,
Rebecca and Mark