Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Waiting and Praying....

So......we are waiting and praying in terms of our second adoption. I will say that we are going to begin sooner than we thought, most likely in the next month, God willing! The Lord has put an urgency in our heart that can only have come from Him. We thought we were sure about the direction the Lord would have us to go, then a door partially opened that took us quite by surprise. We are investigating that option right now and praying through it. We desperately want to follow God's leading!

In other news.....Caleb is growing and growing and talking and talking! He is saying new words and phrases every day! Tonight we were at Wal-Mart and he saw a picture of a boy eating pizza. He poked me and said, "Mama! Boy eating pizza!" and pointed at the picture. I was amazed!
We have talked with Caleb quite a bit about the adoption and he is very excited to have a sibling....we will see if that is the case when we actually bring him/her home :)

Also wanted to add- pray, pray, pray for the people in Haiti- I can not imagine the devastation and despair- if you want to help, KLOVE has a page with some links to some great organizations that are providing aid.

1 comment:

Roscoe and Julia Richardson said...

Keep us posted! Excited to hear of your next step and where God is leading you!