Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Just Can't Do It....

So, it has been a long time since the last blog post- we have been very busy- spending lots of time with family and friends, doing things at church, and looking for jobs. Speaking of jobs, in the last post, I wrote about going back to work, and, well, I just can't do it, at least full time. I was planning on going back to work, and though I had searched and searched for something part-time, but all I could seem to find was full time work. I had recently accepted a full time position with our local hospital and actually would have gone back to work today. But I just couldn't do it. Even though we really, really could have used the extra money and it would have been a great job, with each day that went by I just knew that I couldn't leave Caleb all day, every day. I had promised myself that when I became a mother, I would do my very best to stay at home with my child. My mom had stayed at home with me, and I treasure those times. I truly treasure them. So, as it came closer and closer to my start date, I felt more and more sick about leaving Caleb. These last 8 months had already passed so quickly.... I called the hospital and explained the situation. I couldn't leave my son full time. I admit, I had doubts if it was the right thing to do in terms of our finances, especially with this economy- was I crazy for turning down a job? At the end of the day, I was at peace with the decision and prayed that God would once again show himself faithful.

The very next day, something very amazing happened. My very sweet mom who is always praying for me had asked some of her co-workers to also pray for a part-time job. Long story short, one of my mom's co-workers had a connection with someone who knew about a part-time job. She mentioned that I was looking for a part-time job and the friend said she would mention my name. The next thing I know, I get a call from the supervisor of the position, basically offering me the job! I would have never heard about this part-time job otherwise, and it was a great position- perfect hours, in my degree field, it was too good to be true. It was evident that God had orchestrated it all! Once again showing himself faithful. It was one those moments where you just had to lift your hands to God and praise Him!
In other news, Caleb is doing really well going to the potty. He is not anywhere near being potty-trained, but he is making great progress! Tonight he even told me he needed to go pee-pee! As soon as he got on the potty, he went! Okay, enough potty news :) He has also been going to "school" as we like to call it- it is really a Mother's Morning Out program twice a week- we think he might already have a girlfriend!!


KLT said...

His smile just lights up the surroundings. And I'm sure you are smiling, too, as you see God ordering your steps in such wonderful ways!

Karen said...

this is FANTASTIC news, rebecca!! what an awesome, awesome blessing!! so excited for you guys!! congrats on your new, part-time job!!!

Roscoe and Julia Richardson said...

What a great story! I'm so glad you trusted your gut! Being a mom and part-time career women is enough of a crazy life - good call! I started 30 hours/week and quickly reduced that. Way to trust in your gut (or should we call that the "holy spirit" :) I love how God works!

beBOLDjen said...

Praise God! What a blessing. Just another testament to His faithfulness. I'm so happy for you.

Just when I think Caleb can't get any cuter..... His smile is BRILLIANT!

milreb said...

No surprise that charming grin of a boy already has a girlfriend! I plan on returning to work FT after maternity leave. Have no idea how to manage it all. It's good to see how directly He answered your prayers. Reassuring for me! Thanks for the post.


Ray and Lisa said...

That's wonderful news. God is so good! Working a part time schedule is the best of both worlds.