One year ago today I received a phone call that I had been praying would never come- One year ago today we found out that we did not pass court. I still remember listening to Duni tell me why we didn't pass and being in disbelief. I remember calling Zack and through tears telling him the news. We would have to wait until December to try again, and hopefully we would be able to travel before the new year. My biggest disappointment came in the fact that we would not hold Caleb in our arms before he turned one year old. For some reason, that was such an important thing to me back then. I didn't know how we would make it through the next couple of months...but we did. Actually, it wasn't near as bad as I had thought it would be. It is so hard for me to believe that all that transpired a year ago....that means that Caleb has been with us for ten months now! Wow! I have no doubt that us failing court was all a part of God's sovereign plan and that he knew exactly what he was doing. Once we saw Caleb for the first time, none of it seemed to matter- he was ours, and would be with us forever!
Just a few updates on Caleb (sorry, no pictures this time.....more of our fall family pics to come soon, though :)
-He is a whopping 27 pounds now and is around 35.5 inches tall- not too bad for the little fella!
-He is beginning to put two words together! For example, he will say "Up momma" when he wants me to get up in the morning. Or he will identify his toys by name and color, such as "yellow ball".
-He is in love with football. That is all the boy wants to watch! So, his birthday party is going to be, yep, you guessed it- football theme!
-He is beginning to say his numbers, 1-10 and his ABC's
-He loves to throw a ball, kick a ball, and he has just learned how to do a somersault!
One of the most interesting things- He will point to other black or bi-racial children and say "Bubub" which is what he calls himself, since he can't pronounce a the cuh sound. He also identifies himself with the black children in his books, as opposed to the white children. Needless to say, he is a very observant child.